Tuesday, May 31, 2016

The Golden Horse and the Gray Horse

Onece pon a time there livd a hansum Pins.

He was pasing bi the rods. Then he Pins so two horsus. One was goldun and one was gra.

So he tooc the gra hors.

As he tooc the gra hor, God kam to him.

So gob told him that wat do you wont?

He sed that gra hors.

OK you can hav it.

So he tooc it and livd haqqy le evar aftr.

Monday, May 30, 2016

The Old Man

Once qon a tim ther lida old man

he had a wif

the wif sad that we can stea in

are little home for afr

The fisherman

I am a little boy

I love Owlie didi

Once upon a time there lived an old man in the woods and he went to the lake he was fishing

he was fishing for million months.

he caught fish and he sold it in the market and got some money.

Then he got some food an kept it in the fridge. Then he went to bed.

The End

Cars, vans and Goloo

I hav six balls
I hav a car
I am running
This van is going fast
Goloo is going to the marcat